PADI Open Water Diver Course In Hurghada

Learn to dive on holiday with our PADI open water diver course in just three to four days at the Red Sea Sky Divers center. Experience the adventure and excitement of SCUBA diving in the Red Sea and walk away with an internationally recognized lifetime certificate.

Price & Duration

The PADI open water course takes 4 days to complete. The price is 400€, that includes the PADI Manual, Certificate, & Daily Taxation.

What's Included

  • Food and beverages on board: Lunch, Coffee, Tea, Water & Soft drinks are included
  • Dive equipment :Yes
  • Dive instructor :Yes
  • Transfer:
  • For hotels inside Hurghada, Transfer from/to Hotel is free of charge.
  • For Hotels in Makadi Bay, Soma Bay, Sahl Hasheesh and El Gouna, Transfer from /To Hotel is for a surcharge of €5 per day per pax.



Embarking on a PADI Open Water Diver Course  is like stepping into another world, one teeming with vibrant marine life and submerged wonders. This course, offered by the globally recognized Professional Association of Diving Instructors (PADI), is your passport to underwater exploration. Whether you’re a novice eager to dip your toes into the world of scuba diving or an experienced diver looking to enhance your skills, the PADI Open Water Diver Course is your gateway to unfathomable adventures.

Dive into the World of PADI

PADI is renowned for providing rigorous, safe, and enjoyable diving training worldwide. With over 29 million certifications under its belt, PADI has earned its reputation as the premier scuba diving training organization. PADI instructors undergo intensive training to ensure that your scuba certification class is not just safe but also an unforgettable experience.

Through the PADI Open Water Diver Course, you become part of the largest community of ocean enthusiasts. You don’t just become a certified diver; you become a torchbearer for the ocean, contributing to its preservation.

Understanding the PADI Open Water Diver Course

The PADI Open Water Diver Course is divided into three sections: knowledge development, confined water dives, and open water dives. This division ensures a comprehensive understanding of scuba diving principles and practical application of the acquired skills.

Knowledge Development

This section is designed to introduce you to scuba diving principles and terminologies. It can be completed offline or online, offering the flexibility to learn at your convenience.

Confined Water Dives

In this part of the course, you’ll practice basic scuba skills in a controlled environment like a swimming pool. This hands-on training is crucial in building your confidence and preparing you for open water dives.

Open Water Dives

The final part of the course takes you into the open water, where you’ll apply the skills you’ve learned. Under the guidance of a highly trained PADI instructor, you’ll make four open water dives, experiencing the thrill of diving first-hand.

Getting Started: Discover Scuba Diving

If you’re still not sure whether scuba diving is for you, PADI offers a half-day experience called Discover Scuba Diving. This program is designed to give you a taste of scuba diving in a pool or similar environment, and it’s an excellent way to find out if you’re ready to take the plunge into a full-fledged scuba certification course.

Three Ways to Earn Your Scuba Diving Certification

PADI offers three options to earn your scuba diving certification, each tailored to suit your individual needs and preferences:

  1. Learn to Dive Close to Home: You can complete all three parts of your scuba certification near your home. This option allows you to take as much time as you need, explore local dive sites, and connect with your local diving community.
  2. Start at Home, Finish on Vacation: This option is perfect if you prefer to complete the open water training dives on vacation. You can complete your knowledge development and pool practice at home first, allowing you to make the most of your vacation time.
  3. Learn on Vacation: You can also choose to complete all parts of the course on vacation. This option is ideal if you want to kickstart your underwater adventure abroad and meet divers from different parts of the globe.

Diving Gives Back to the Ocean

By becoming a PADI diver, you’re not just indulging in an exhilarating hobby but also contributing to ocean conservation. The PADI community, along with the PADI AWARE Foundation, is committed to reversing the tide of ocean change. As a PADI diver, you’re a part of this mission, becoming an ambassador for the underwater world.

Diving with Red Sea Sky Divers

If you’re looking for the perfect place to embark on your PADI diving courses, look no further than the Red Sea Sky Divers Diving Center. Recognized as one of the best diving centers, Red Sea Sky Divers provides a safe, professional, and fun-filled environment for learning. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced diver, Red Sea Sky Divers is dedicated to ensuring your diving experience is nothing short of spectacular.

In conclusion, the PADI Open Water Diver Course is more than just a scuba diving certification. It’s a journey towards becoming a responsible and skilled diver, an advocate for the ocean, and an adventurer eager to explore the world beneath the waves. Dive in, and discover a whole new world with PADI!