PADI Enriched Air (Nitrox) Diver Course In Hurghada

Immerse yourself in the underwater world with increased dive time and experience the thrill of diving in a whole new way. The PADI Nitrox Specialty Course, an alluring prospect for diving enthusiasts, is here to take your diving experiences to unprecedented heights.

Price & Duration

The PADI open water course takes 1 day to complete. The price is 250€, that includes the PADI Manual, Certificate & Daily Taxation.

What's Included

  • Food and beverages on board: Lunch, Coffee, Tea, Water & Soft drinks are included
  • Dive equipment :Yes
  • Dive instructor :Yes
  • Transfer:
  • For hotels inside Hurghada, Transfer from/to Hotel is free of charge.
  • For Hotels in Makadi Bay, Soma Bay, Sahl Hasheesh and El Gouna, Transfer from /To Hotel is for a surcharge of €5 per day per pax.


Are you a passionate diver seeking to take your underwater exploration to new depths? If so, the PADI Enriched Air (Nitrox) Diver Course might just be the perfect fit for you. This comprehensive guide will walk you through all the essential information on the course, helping you understand its significance and how to proceed with enrollment.

1. Introduction to PADI Enriched Air (Nitrox) Diver Course

The PADI Enriched Air (Nitrox) Diver Course, often referred to as the ‘Nitrox Course’, is a unique diving program designed to equip divers with the necessary knowledge and skills to use enriched air nitrox for no decompression dives. This specialized form of breathing gas allows divers to extend their bottom time and minimize nitrogen loading, resulting in longer, safer dives

2. Why Choose PADI Enriched Air (Nitrox) Diver Course?

This particular diving program stands out as PADI’s most sought-after specialty course. By experiencing less nitrogen absorption, divers can relish extended dive times, enjoy shorter surface intervals, and significantly reduce their overall risk of decompression sickness.

3. The Course Structure

The PADI Enriched Air (Nitrox) Diver Course is structured to be flexible and convenient for learners. It comprises of self-paced eLearning modules, followed by hands-on practical exercises conducted under the guidance of certified PADI Instructors.

3.1 Self-Study eLearning

The first phase of the course entails independent online learning through PADI’s eLearning platform. This platform is designed to accommodate the needs of busy learners, allowing you to progress through the course at your own pace, either online or offline.

3.2 Hands-On Practical Training

Upon completion of the eLearning module, learners proceed to the practical training phase. This takes place at a dive shop under the expert supervision of a PADI Instructor.This stage involves learning how to analyze a tank, completing an enriched air log, and setting up a dive computer for nitrox.

4. Prerequisites for Enrollment

To enrol for the PADI Enriched Air (Nitrox) Diver Course, you must be a certified PADI Open Water Diver (or equivalent) and at least 12 years old.

4.1 PADI Enriched Air Student Kit

Before commencing the course, learners are required to purchase the PADI Enriched Air Student Kit. This kit includes the PADI Enriched Air Manual and an Enriched Air Computer Simulator Access Card.

4.2 PADI eLearning

For those who prefer digital learning, PADI offers an eLearning option. This online learning platform allows learners to complete the classroom training at their own convenience.

5. The Importance of Medical Clearance

Before enrolling for the course, potential divers are advised to ensure they meet the required health and fitness levels for scuba diving. Any chronic health conditions, certain medications, or recent surgeries may necessitate written approval from a physician.

6. Certification and Beyond

Upon successful completion of both the eLearning and practical training phases, learners earn their PADI Enriched Air (Nitrox) Diver Course certification. This coveted certification opens up a new world of diving possibilities, allowing divers to take on more challenging dives and explore underwater worlds for extended periods.

Learning at the Red Sea Sky Divers Diving Center

The Red Sea Sky Divers Diving Center is a renowned diving center, highly recommended for pursuing your PADI diving courses. It offers a conducive learning environment, state-of-the-art facilities, and experienced instructors committed to ensuring you have a safe, enjoyable, and enriching learning experience.


The PADI Enriched Air (Nitrox) Diver Course is a remarkable program that lets you delve deeper into the underwater world. By extending your bottom time and reducing nitrogen loading, the course enables you to explore the ocean’s depths more safely and enjoyably. Whether you’re a seasoned diver or a newbie, this course is sure to elevate your diving experience to new heights.